Saturday, August 10, 2013

From the beginning

Hi everyone,

I thought I would give blogging a try to share my journey of getting the 'real me' back, I want to share it with you to show if I can do it so can you !

I have always been overweight since I can remember, as a teenager  in year 10 I decided I'd had enough and I wanted to change myself so I joined the local gym and lost about 15 kgs and for the first time ever fit in a size 12 and I felt happy with my weight and my self esteem grew as the years went on my weight went up and down and so did my happiness and self esteem.

I did sucessfully lose lose about 20kgs on one of the 'diet shake' brands in my early 20's which is roughly around the time when I met my first and only serious boyfriend who grew to be my best friend and my fiancé then husband in 2009.

Slowly by slowly my weight crept back and I was around 100kgs when I fell pregnancy with our son 12 mths later, by the end of my pregnancy I was suffering from severe preeclampsia with a dangerously high blood pressure to the point where I had to be induced 3 weeks early as my doctors were worried I would have a stroke at age 25 if my blood pressure was to go any higher.

I really struggled with recovering from a ceasarian and strong blood pressure medication side effects after Ryan's birth which also meant my weight just kept going up .

By Ryan's 1st birthday I was at my heaviest and deep down I knew that but I just didn't do anything about it.

A few weeks later a relative posted some pictures on Facebook of Ryan's birthday and I just burst into tears to look at myself this was a very depressing sad moment in my life but also a significant one as I turned to my husband and told him how I was feeling and that I wanted to make a change.

So a week later I joined my local womens gym, I was so nervous about my first assessment as I knew they were going to make me do that thing I avoided at all costs ......... Getting on the scales

So as I nervously stepped on the figure 108.4kg came up and all of a sudden I felt tiny with embarrassment and sadness. 

I went full stream ahead with working out from there in up to 5 sessions a week for the next 4 mths and occasionally I would get on the scales at the gym and the most I ever saw was a 300g loss and every time it was devastating I was working so hard and although I felt better in myself  I knew something was really missing in this picture.

Still at 108kgs I started to lose my motivation to workout and I began going less and less to the gym.

We went on a family holiday to Fiji in May 2012 for my best friends wedding and again when we got home I was devasted to look at the photos from our holiday to look at how over weight I was.

Shortly after we got home I fell pregnant with our daughter and things really spiralled down hill from there for my health, I was still on blood pressure medication from my preeclampsia with my last pregnancy and at 14 weeks I got the first warning from my doctor that I needed to take it easy or I would be on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy by 16 weeks my medication was increased and another warning.

By 20 weeks my medications was increased again and I was told if things didn't stabilise I would be admitted to hospital for the next 4mths

By the time Avery was born I had been in and out of hospital numerous time and was on the maximum dosage of blood pressure meds.

7 weeks after giving birth by ceasarian for the second time my mother in law bought me some clothes for my birthday and upon trying them on I again I had another moment where I was just devasted at
way I looked and felt.

I had been watching the way an old school friend on Facebook had lost a lot of weight and she really inspired me to do the same ( Thank you Hayley Mether ) so I decided I would sign up for  Michelle Bridges 12wbt.

To be continued - Round 2, 2013 12wbt


  1. Oh honey, ok so you've hit rock bottom in your mind, its a sucky place to be and so many of us have been there, there's only one way to go right? And that is up? Or should I say down!! :-)

    Blogging is a great way of keeping it real. Even if I'm blogging and thinking no one will be reading, it doesn't matter, because my thoughts have gone out into the universe in a tangible way.

    Good luck.


  2. Just keep moving and you'll have this one in the bag!
    Best of luck for this journey, How have you found this first week?
    Hopefully your too busy kicking ass to blog

    Michelle :)
